My Classes
Currently Teaching
Improve your handwriting and find your creative flow by training your hand to write in the beautiful, legible Italic script. We will study early examples of Italic and discuss its development, as well as Portland’s special place in Italic history. Students will gain familiarity with the letterforms and with the use of the broad-edged pen and will complete a simple project by the end of the term. This class is for beginners and anyone who wants to review the basics of Italic.
Eight weeks, January 15–March 5, 9:30 am–12:30 pm on Wednesdays. Taught at the Multnomah Arts Center in SW Portland.
Irish Half-Uncial
Time travel through the mists of history to the medieval British Isles! Discover the script used for one of the most famous books in the world, the Book of Kells. This magnificent manuscript was made around 800 AD and has fascinated scholars and modern-day scribes ever since. We’ll encounter other related manuscripts as you gain skills in writing in this style and begin making it your own.
Eight weeks, January 16–March 6, 9:30 am–12:30 pm on Thursdays. Taught at the Multnomah Arts Center in SW Portland.
Upcoming Classes
Field Trip to Special Collections
Reed College has a rich calligraphy tradition that has influenced practitioners of this art form around the world. Learn about our own local celebrities such as Jaki Svaren and Lloyd Reynolds and see their work in person in this fascinating tour of the archives. We’ll also enjoy seeing some older historic manuscripts up close in this treasure trove of lettering. Meet at Reed College Library – Special Collections & Archives. Students will need to provide their own transportation; some walking involved. Details and directions will be emailed to enrolled students before visit. Registration is required – there is a group size limit.
Monday, February 10, 10:30 am–12:30 pm. Register with the Multnomah Arts Center in SW Portland.
Previously Taught
Gothic Textura
This dramatic, rhythmic style of lettering has lent panache to such diverse art forms as tattoos, graffiti, diplomas, and sacred texts for hundreds of years. Based on easy-to-learn patterns, gothic textura looks impressive—and can become absolutely swoon-worthy in its many variations. Become familiar with the use of the broad-edged pen and complete a frameable broadside as your final project.
Eight weeks, October 3–November 21, 9:30 am–12:30 pm on Thursdays. Taught at the Multnomah Arts Center in SW Portland.
Humanist Bookhand
Humanist bookhand, the basis for the most widespread typefaces in use today, is an ideal starting point if you’re new to calligraphy. This friendly, legible calligraphic script was revived and reinvented again and again over the centuries because of its usefulness in diverse contexts. Get comfortable with nibs, ink, and paper and find out about the history of this widely practiced artform. As well as learning the lowercase and capital letterforms and some fascinating calligraphy history, you’ll be guided in the creation of a handmade book showcasing your lettering.
Eight weeks, October 3–November 21, 2024, 6:00–9:00 pm on Thursdays. Taught at the Multnomah Arts Center in SW Portland.
Eight weeks, October 5–November 30, 2023, 9:30 am–12:30 pm on Thursdays.
Taught at the Multnomah Arts Center in SW Portland.
Elvish Lettering
Maybe you've admired the fantastic flowing script of the elves in J. R. R. Tolkien's imagined universe in The Lord of the Rings. Now you can learn how to write the Tengwar yourself. Tolkien was more than an author—he was also an artist and inventor of languages. Learn the fascinating phonetic system behind the letters that will help you remember them with ease, and gain proficiency in writing the script with a broad-edged nib for impressively beautiful results.
Two days, July 8–9, 2024, 9:30 am–12:30 pm. Taught at the Multnomah Arts Center in SW Portland.
Not only is it beautiful and satisfying to write, but Uncial is one of the easiest calligraphic alphabets to learn! The script originated with the Greeks and Romans and was used throughout western Europe for five centuries. Explore basic letterforms and the use of the broad-edged pen, while completing a lasting keepsake by the end of the term. This class is geared for beginners, but all are welcome.
Eight weeks, April 4–June 6, 2024, 9:30 am–12:30 pm on Thursdays. No class 4/25 and 5/23. Taught at the Multnomah Arts Center in SW Portland.
We will study early examples of Italic and discuss its development, as well as the special importance of Portland in the story of Italic calligraphy. Students will gain familiarity with the letterforms and with the use of the broad-edged pen and will complete a simple project by the end of the term. This class is for beginners and anyone who wants to review the basics of Italic.
Eight weeks, February 1–March 21, 2024, 9:30 am–12:30 pm on Thursdays.
Taught at the Multnomah Arts Center in SW Portland.